Coffee, qahway, java, joe … whatever you call your brew it’s not an addiction—it’s a devotion! And it has a long history along with some surprising health benefits. From goats to the GOAT of beverages, here’s a taste of coffee’s origins and proof that it truly is America’s drink!
We need to start taking the “die” out of diet and the “loss” out of weight loss. Mention the word “diet” today and people typically think about a magic bullet or quick fix to slenderize when it should be about creating a healthier lifestyle.
Easter and those springtime celebrations have passed, and we’ve got a problem, Houston. … The hard-boiled truth is we’ve got too many eggs! Some observations and solutions that are eggs-actly what we need—both post-holiday and throughout the year!
Paula Deen, Barbara Walters, Anthony Bourdain, and Miss Piggy walk into a metaphorical bar. Here’s what that looks like as Deen shares her views on dieting and gets into some hot water.
Steak really is Michael Symon’s favorite vegetable! But that doesn’t define Chef Symon. A health-conscious carnivore, he’s also created a program for those with autoimmune diseases, like him. In addition, he’s also a hunger hero whose nonprofit foundation gives back to the community.
“All eating is an act of trust; when you eat fugu, it’s just that the stakes are higher.” Let’s slice up some sushi and give the story of this little fish some well-deserved food for thought.